Trust and Passion

Email Account Management

Trust and Passion
Email Account Management

Email Account Management

Email Account Management
Emails are simultaneously one the most useful and most dangerous facets of your business.

     A properly managed email system is convenient for senders and receivers, doesn’t involve a lot of extra steps, protects the integrity of your messages while they travel the web and helps organize and facilitate safe and private communications between your staff and your patients. At its worst, a poorly managed email system is a super spreader of viruses, social engineering attacks, scams, divulging protecting information – and these are just some of the risks posed by a poorly managed email system.
     If a staff member falls for a social engineering attack then they can open the doors wide for hackers and thieves to walk right in and steal your business out from underneath you, they might even try to sell it back to you before selling it to the rest of the internet – sometimes after.
     Employees who leave for the wrong reasons can use their emails for malicious purposes or their account may have a weak password guessed and then it can be weaponized to damage your entire contacts list worth of partners and patients.

     A dental practice lives or dies by the security of its information technology. Email is a crucial, forward facing element of Dental IT and cannot be overlooked.
     Email account management can be time consuming and difficult to track, not to mention expensive. A good Dental IT provider can find a solution for your practice and provide education to your staff to secure your emails and help them understand how to detect and verify a scam before falling prey to their orchestrators.
     Dental Hi-Tech has experience with many different email encryption providers spanning the most secure and invasive to the most convenient and compliant options that you can use to boost productivity and more confidently communicate with staff and patients.
     Email Account Management by Dental Hi-Tech means more security and more time spent building your practice and less time picking up the pieces when an unmanaged solution inevitably implodes.
Find out how Dental Hi-Tech can better manage your email system for your practice today.

Email Account Management