Trust and Passion

Cyber Security

Trust and Passion

Cyber Security

Cybersecurity is the 500 pound gorilla in every board room and head office across the Dental Industry. It sounds expensive, complicated, and existential because it’s like flood insurance, until you need it you don’t notice it.

     A cyber attack is orders of magnitude more likely and expensive than a flood yet so few businesses pay cyber security any mind. If a ransomware cryptovirus takes a hold of your office it can be devastating. Not only are you out of business until you get your data from backups onto some new systems -and that’s assuming you were maintaining backups that weren’t also victimized by the virus mind you – but you now have to report a breach of PHI to the state and all of your patients as their lives are now at risk because social security numbers, photos, credit card information, addresses and more have just been dumped onto the darkest corners of the web for all to see.
     The worst part is, this typically happens to businesses that treat cybersecurity as an expense rather than an investment. Why it’s an investment is only as difficult a question as the answer to the above scenario, is losing your entire business and allowing thousands of people’s personal data to explode all over the dark web ever worth saving a buck? Of course not. 

     Disgruntled employees, state-sponsored hacking, and malware gangs using services they can hire with a credit card to customize viruses for them are on the rise. You don’t want to become another statistic.
     You need a Dental IT provider who understands the exposure a practice has on the web and in house. You need one who can visualize your network and show you the vulnerabilities you might not have even known about and help you patch them up before it becomes a crisis. You need to find a Dental IT provider that brings you the tools and information needed to survive in the complex world of cyber threats – period.
     Dental HiTech takes cybersecurity seriously. Whether you’ve been hit once already and need to recover stronger than before or know someone who has been hit you can come to us for support. Dental HiTech welcomes your practice with open arms and aegis of protection. Starting with penetration testing and vulnerability scanning we will further leverage decades of experience in implementing strategies for educating staff members against scammers and social engineers, creating layers of protection for offices and their infrastructure and even investigating the causes of cyber attacks when and if they strike you and your colleagues.
     Proactivity is better than waiting to get hit and we have solutions for that too, employee activity monitoring, actual firewalls and not the junk you find on the shelf at big box stores, industry-leading antivirus ransomware detection and more can all be leveraged for your benefit providing you the peace of mind needed to do business while grasping all of the advantages the internet can offer.