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Virtualization has been around for a long time now. It continues to become ever more affordable and pervasive in the business world as expensive workstations become harder to get and break down causing huge amounts of downtime while those workstations are rebuilt from scratch.
A single server with a virtualized set of systems running within can supply your business with all of the benefits of large scale bare metal applications while using less space, less energy and capable of being maintained far more easily at the same time.
One server can fulfill the roles of many in a secure, isolated and energy efficient fashion with instantaneous communication between those systems with them all inside of the same chassis. Maybe you could benefit from having your Dental imaging systems on a dedicated server for greater stability without needing to buy yet another computer? Maybe you want to have your practice management on its own dedicated server but don’t want your domain controller with all of your usernames and passwords visible to anyone who logs on to do a little work? Or maybe you’re just trying to go green! This is what virtualization is all about.
These systems can be mirrored and backed up to allow rapid restoration of services when a unit fails and can even operate with redundancy in mind allowing for a seamless transition to a new host without your practice bearing the brunt of an outage.
Got some old computers laying around that aren’t worth anything these days? You would be surprised to know that they can become virtual machine workstations running the latest operating systems and all of your software at a moment’s notice. In most cases, you only need a web browser and the rest is elementary.
Dental HiTech has your back when virtualization is on your mind. We not only build and deploy virtualized practices on a regular basis but have the manpower and expertise to keep them running and bring them back online in a true catastrophe. Dental IT is a complicated business and when you start treading on the bleeding edge of what can be done to build a high powered practice, virtualization can be the simple answer you needed to so many of the problems presented.
Call Dental HiTech to find out how they can virtualize your practice management and make your practice stand out just so much more!