Let's keep in touch.
A Dental practice needs to be in constant contact with its patients, vendors and fellow practitioners. It’s easy to overlook the lowly desk telephone that we’ve all grown up with since, well, Alexander Graham Bell’s generation.
I think we can all agree that a busy signal or a non setup or full voicemail is pretty off putting when you call someone. Do you want your practice to be that someone? Of course not. This is where business telephone systems come into play. You may have heard of things like a PBX before, that was the world’s first foray into turning the simple telephone into a usable multi tiered telephone system that professionalizes your voice communications with patients and the outside world overall.
The PBX has some fundamental flaws. They are limited in how feature rich they can be, they are limited by how many phones can be attached and require specialized service contractors to maintain them and the knowledge base on how to work with them on your own is virtually non existent so those contractors are accordingly expensive to work with when compared to the technology replacing it. Voice Over Internet Protocol or VOIP is very much the wave of the future when it comes to telephone systems. Companies like Weave, Mango, Nextiva, Verizon, Optimum and more all offer solutions in the VOIP space.
They are limitless in terms of potential, robust ring patterns and caller menus, call recording, unlimited voicemail capacities, less reliance on specialized knowledge and equipment, automated spam filtering and many offer direct integration with your dental practice management. What does all that mean?
A VOIP system is going to pay you back in spades with less time spent on the phone, less time spent trying to associate callers with accounts, a more professional outward appearance for new and existing patients as well as fellow practitioners to experience when they need to speak with your practice. A good VOIP system can even help you with quality assurance automation and text messaging as well as automated scheduling.
Dental HiTech not only offers its own Dental specific VOIP system for your benefit, we also partner with other companies like Weave in order to provide you with the most informed options to best suit your practices’ needs with totally custom and simple cookie cutter solutions – whatever is needed to simplify your decision making process. You need the benefits of a VOIP system in your practice, its infinite scalability and ease of maintenance are indispensable for the modern dental professional.
You want to be able to have 50 callers all in your phone system at the same time without a busy signal or voicemail in sight? Maybe you want to be able to prioritize and automate where those callers get sent without human intervention? Maybe security and quality assurance are important to you too, call recording and the ability to monitor and listen in on active calls are all part of VOIP.VOIP is the answer and Dental HiTech will help you achieve this crucial step in developing, or even maintaining your business.